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I started doing photography work in 2018 and I haven't looked back since. My favorite subjects are landscapes and capturing farm machinery at work. If you need photography work done for your farm or business, I can capture whatever you need from live action shots to still life product images. I offer one time photo shoots, yearly, or as often as you need new content. Contact me to talk about your needs.

Dairy Industry

One of my favorite things is dairy. Then again who doesn't love a cold glass of milk or an ice cream cone on a hot summer day! And there are not many things cuter than a baby calf! Dairy farming is also one of my favorite things to capture through a camera lens. I have had the privlage to work along side some of the smartest and hardest working people in the dairy world.

If you ate today

Thank a Farmer.

Potato Farming

I spent a while working in the potato industry and was able to capture lots of great pictures in the fields. Here are a few of them!

“Agriculture is the most healthful, most useful and most noble employment of man.”  
        – George Washington

My Travels

One of my favorite hobbies is travel! And when I travel I always carry my camera along! Here are some pictures from my travels near and far.

Not all those who wander are lost."
       - J.R.R. Tolkien

The above images are just a small sample of what I have captured. If you have something you would like pictures of please contact me and I will be happy to discuss your ideas!

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